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Tamoxifen Citrate: Best Use for Breast Cancer Prevention


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Tamoxifen citrate is a medicine commonly used to prevent and cure breast cancer. It is a form of hormone therapy that works by inhibiting the actions of estrogen in the breast tissue, hence preventing cancer cell proliferation. Tamoxifen citrate has been demonstrated to reduce the risk of getting breast cancer by up to 50% in women who have high risk. Tamoxifen citrate can lower the risk of both invasive and non-invasive breast cancer. It is frequently administered to women with a family history of the disease or other risk factors, such as a history of benign breast lumps or a prior diagnosis of atypical hyperplasia. Tamoxifen citrate is used not just to prevent breast cancer, but also to treat early-stage breast cancer and to reduce the chance of recurrence in women who have already been diagnosed. Overall, tamoxifen citrate is an effective strategy in the fight against breast cancer, with the potential to save many lives.
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