• Welcome post in #ReadFirst

Forum Rules

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Super Admin
Staff member
Welcome to Collect The Dead!

Here are the rules for using the forum. If it's found that these, or any of the Terms Agreement are violated and/or problematic, you'll be banned from CTD services.
Don't be that asshole.

Collect The Dead works to create a respectful space for buyers, sellers, and enthusiasts of oddities and curiosities to commune. Participants are expected to be respectful of one another. No scamming, trolling, and discriminating. If you don't like, agree, or feel comfortable with something, move on.

Forum Disruption
Any actions serving as interference or disruption to the Forum will result in moderation and banning. Spamming and destructive content are considered disruptive.

Buy & Sell Postings
For all posts regarding buying and selling (#For Sale and #Wanted):​
  • Sellers, Buyers, and #Wanted advertisers are required to include LOCATION in their posts regarding sales and inquiries. Location format in a post is not important (i.e. Denver, CO - Denver, Colorado - Colorado, etc.).
  • For items that have sold either a.) delete the post or b.) mark as "Sold" in Thread Topic and the post.
  • Disclaimer: All #For Sale and #Wanted posts will be deleted after six (6) months. If you want your posting to survive, update your post.
Auction Forum
Regarding all posts in #Live Auctions:​
  • Read the pinned sticky thread before participating in the forum.​
  • Be mindful of legality when buying and shipping with animal parts.​
  • A handy resource for US State and Federal laws, and non-US laws can be found at The Green Wolf.​
Forum Content
When accessing, viewing, contributing, and communicating on the forums, you are entirely responsible for the content. Forum content…
  • Does not contain or install viruses, worms, malware, or other harmful or destructive content
  • Does not serve as spam and unlawful tactics (such as phishing)
  • Does not mislead recipients as to the source of the material (such as spoofing)
  • Does not contain threats or incite violence towards individuals or entities, and does not violate the privacy or publicity rights of any third party
Buyer Safety
The owners, operators, and affiliates with CollectTheDead.com are not responsible for scams, dishonest sellers, holding/distributing money. Sales are conducted in the public forum or direct messages. It is the Buyer's responsibility to protect themselves. Helpful tips:
  • It's recommended you use "PayPal - Goods and Services" with any Seller you are not familiar with.
  • Communicate clearly with the Seller, either in the Forum, direct message or through other means like vendor storefronts.
  • Report any known or suspected scams to the CTD Admins.
  • For any mishaps and foul play (i.e. Seller ghosting after payment has been made), add a review to notify others in #Dead To Us.

For any questions regarding the Forum Rules and the Terms Agreement, please contact the CTD Admins.
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